Featured Artist
Jason Robert Jones
Award Winning Fine Art Film Photographer
Artist Statement
My work is not just an artistic expression; it is a holy commune between the soul and the fabric of life. It’s a space that when entered awakens my consciousness and like the unconditional, unspoken love between a mother and her newborn child, it is an invisible energy that connects me with my true self. Seeking not to capture but convey the world that I witness. Striving not to take but to engage, through a collaborative effort with my subject. Cooperating to convey a sense of beauty or vast reflection. Distilling a single moment or span of time into a single frame.

Artists Process - Jason Robert Jones photographs all his work on film using both large and medium format film stock. He will typically use Kodak T MAX 100 or Tri X 400 depending on the desired look for the piece. All limited edition fine art prints are born from a single film negative, which are developed In-House and then drum scanned on a Heidelberg Tango-Primescan, PMT Drum Scanner, producing a master digital negative.