In this episode I talk about my thoughts on in importance of printing your work. Thanks for watching!
Nirvana And My Workflow
I have been wanting to create a series of video tutorials with a high level overview of my digital darkroom workflow and techniques for quite some time. In this video segment titled "Nirvana And My Workflow" I attempt to provide a general glimpse into my processes for taking an image from RAW scan to final piece. My goal was to generate interest in this series as well as beta test how I would begin to produce it. I hope you enjoy!
Kodak to re-release EKTACHROME
I am excited to pass on this announcement from Kodak Alaris regarding the re-release of EKTACHROME, color reversal film. While there is no mention it will be made available in medium and large format cuts as of yet, it is very positive and exciting news!!! It would appear that notice has been taken, film is still very much a viable medium!
Kodak Brings Back a Classic with EKTACHROME Film
Las Vegas, NV, Thursday, January 05, 2017 --
To the delight of film enthusiasts across the globe, Eastman Kodak Company today announced plans to bring back one of its most iconic film stocks. Over the next 12 months, Kodak will be working to reformulate and manufacture KODAK EKTACHROME Film for both motion picture and still photography applications. Initial availability is expected in the fourth quarter of 2017.
KODAK EKTACHROME Film has a distinctive look that was the choice for generations of cinematographers before it was discontinued in 2012. The film is known for its extremely fine grain, clean colors, great tones and contrasts.
“It is such a privilege to reintroduce KODAK EKTRACHROME Film to the cinematography community,” said Steven Overman, Kodak’s chief marketing officer and president of the Consumer and Film Division. “We are seeing a broad resurgence of excitement about capturing images on film. Kodak is committed to continuing to manufacture film as an irreplaceable medium for image creators to capture their artistic vision. We are proud to help bring back this classic.”
Kodak will produce EKTACHROME at its film factory in Rochester, N.Y., and will market and distribute the Super 8 motion picture film version of EKTACHROME Film directly.
Kodak Alaris, an independent company since 2013, also plans to offer a still format KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film for photographers in 135-36x format. KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film is a color positive film, also known as “reversal,” “slide,” or “transparency” film. Unlike all of the other KODAK PROFESSIONAL Films available today, which are color negative films, EKTACHROME generates a positive image that can be viewed or projected once it is exposed and processed. This makes it ideal for high-resolution projection or presentations. It is also well suited for scanning and printing onto a range of professional-grade photographic media. Availability is expected in the fourth quarter of 2017.
My Gear Bag Ebony 4x5
Large format systems tent to be on the heavier side when it comes to current technology trends in photographic equipment. This means you need a serious pack when it comes to carrying all of your gear into the field. Wile there are a few companies making packs designed for this type of load, more options now than when I purchased the Whitney, there still isn't really a pack designed specifically for a large format system on the market. I wanted the comfort and design of a backpacking system and the Gregory Whitney 95 was the largest pack I could find. As the name suggests this is a 95 liter pack designed to carry loads up to 70lbs. What makes this pack great is the custom fit suspension (CFS) comprised of dual aluminum stays bolstered by a supportive cross stay. Three sizes S,M,L with adjustments made to fit your torso and waist sizes. Weighing in at 6lbs the Whitney 95 is a versatile pack with an expandable spin-drift collar, giving you a lot of extra volume. There are three access points to the main compartment and plenty of extra pockets for essentials. This pack is also hydration bladder compatible and it has an integrated sleeve and tube ports that connect to you solder straps. All in all its been a great pack and fits my needs when carrying my 4x5 system. For my actual camera system I use a F-Stop Gear large ICU that fits safely inside the main compartment.
Gregory Whitney 95
Inside the Whitney are all the components you see pictured below. My camera body an Ebony SV45TE and 3 lenses, Schneider 90mm f/8 Super Angulon, Schneider 120mm f/5.6 Super Symmar, and Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-S 210mm f/5.6. All great lenses however the f/8 aperture on the Super Angulon can prove difficult to use when lighting conditions are not adequate. I carry two sets of bellows, one is a standard and the other is a wide angle, both shipped with the camera body. Four 4x6 100mm neutral density grad filters and LEE100mm filter adapter kit. ND filters are the LEE 2 stop hard, LEE 2 stop soft, LEE 3 stop hard and the Daryl Benson Reverse ND Grad from Singh Ray. I also have a LEE Filters VH-95 Bellowed Video Hood, which comes in handy as a lens hood with 2 slots for ND filters and a 95mm filter thread I use for attaching my Heliopan 95mm Circular Polarizer. This helps when it comes to different size filter threads as the LEE adapter is much less expensive than buying several polarizers. I carry two view finders, one for each format I shoot, my 4x5 and my 6x17 roll film back. If I could recommend a tool for visualizing and composing it would be one of these view finders. They are small and can be taken along when scouting a location and they force you to close one eye and see in 2d which is extremely helpful as a photograph is a 2d representation of the subject photographed. I also carry a Rodenstock 4x Lupe, stop watch, compass, led headlamp and puck light, lens cleaning kit, Giottos rocket blower, 2 cable release, journal and pencil, rain cover, dark cloth and a Pentax digital spot meter. Lastly is my tripod a Gitzo Systematic with a Really Right Stuff bh-55.
Ebony 4x5 system
All in all its a heavy kit but all items are essential for large format photography. If you have any questions relating to this post please drop me a line under the contact page located in the menu bar above. Also check out my posts related to loading large format film holders and an introduction to the view camera here on my blog.
Ebony 4x5 view camera
I wanted to share an overview of a large format camera system and how it is assembled. In this video I cover my Ebony 4x5 system as well as my Shen Hao 6x17 panoramic 120 roll film back.
The View Camera
The view camera. Quite possibly the simplest design in camera systems, yet one of the most difficult to work with. The 4x5 format was my first step back into the world of film following a nine year hiatus in the digital world . I have a deep appreciation for the large format medium and the utmost respect for the masters of this craft. Now four years into my journey with large format film, I finally feel that I am coming into my own as a large format shooter. Large format more than any other, really requires the photographer to slow down the process of making images. it requires a great deal of visualization to take place before the shutter can be clicked and initiates a very selective process when it comes to deciding whether or not to make an exposure. Challenging though it may be, I find it extremely gratifying and rewarding to work with this system. its heavy, time consuming to set up, challenging to compose an image with, and difficult to re-position once set up. However when it all comes together there is hardly a camera system or image sensor that can beat the results. My decision to go back to film and to work with a 4x5 view camera system was really the beginning of my transformation toward becoming a better photographer. it required me to really be present with what I was doing rather than just point and shoot. It helped me to develop the ability to visualize the final image and wait for the right moment to make my exposure. Most importantly it saved my relationship with the art which I love so dearly. I have made a commitment to work with film and camera systems that require me to put a great deal of thought into the process of image making and though I have begun to move more into a medium format system, I will continue my romance with the view camera as long as I can still purchase sheet film for it.
Coming Into My own
"Gator Dance" Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - Empire, Michigan
Its begining to feel that I am coming into my own now with Large Format and film photography. It has been about 4 years now since I made the commitment to head down the road toward Large and medium format film capture and like all new ventures it takes time to develop your skills and really relearn the ropes. I made the switch because I didn't feel that the digital process was rewarding and it left me feeling flat and unenthusiastic about my work. Digital capture seemed to lack soul and was an enabler of quick, thoughtless shutter clicking resulting in hundreds of images, few of which really moved me. Getting used to the large format system was not a quick and easy process however and the learning curve took some time to develop. I found myself frustrated as I was not getting the results I had hoped for andbegan to really question if this was the right process for me. Summer of 2016 would prove to be a turning point toward the type of images I want to make, using the capture methods and media I committed to 4 years ago. Getting to know the strengths and limitations of my films and camera system. Honing my compositionand visualizations skills. Controlling tonal relationships, line and texture within my compositions. I feel that its all coming togetherin 2016 and will further develop as I move forward. "Gator Dance" named for the dancing light on AlligatorHill in Glen Arbor MI, is really the first image I feel takes me further down the rabbit hole toward my goal. To create compelling, award winning images of our natural world and to nurture the natural born connection humans have with nature through my images.
Loading 4x5 Film Holders
When I first started to shoot 4×5 one of the questions I had was how to load my newly purchased film holders with my film. I wanted to put together a short tutorial on this subject as it really is the first important step in shooting large format. Some of the tools I use in the process are the Harrison original changing tent by Camera Essentials, The Rocket Blower by Giottos and my preference in sheet film holders the Fidelity Elite or the Lisco Regal II. As always if you have any questions shoot my an email on the contact page.