As see on my YouTube Channel I wanted to shre a video I produced last year that shares a handy hack when placing grad filters on a rangefinder system.
The Art Of Natural Beauty Episode 1
The Art Of Natural Beauty Episode 1: In this episode I talk about my new camera system the Mamiya 7ii, a medium format, 6x7 cm rangefinder system. I hope you enjoy!
A Whole New Format
In 2012 I set down my D700 and entered into the time honored tradition of large format photography. My reasons for doing so are addressed in "Coming Into My Own" a blog post from late 2016. Wile I can not say I have completely mastered the craft, I am confident and pleased with my progression over the past few years. Working with film and with a view camera system has helped me to slow down and really consider whether or not I make an exposure or if I wait till another time when all the elements are right. It has been a rewarding journey down this path, however I have decided to alter this course to a degree. A course correction that I began late in 2016. One of the deciding factors for me was that while I was deliberately slowing down my process to create a better product, I was also not amounting much of a portfolio. Another factor was that as I age, the weight of my pack made it harder for me to carry on longer treks and I began to look for a solution that would still conform to my standards and ideals yet allow for more flexibility with less weight.
Ebony 4x5, Otter Creek, Honor Michigan
After quite a bit of research I decided to pick up a Mamiya 7ii outfit and began a new chapter in my journey as a photographer. The Mamiya 7ii is a medium format range finder systemknow for being one of the sharpest on the market. As with my ebony the Mamiya also requires the ability to visualize the final image before making an exposure. With a rangefinder system you do not actully look through the lens, but instead a rangefinder window on the camera body or in the case of the 43mm, 65mm and 210mm, through a viewfinder mounted on the hot shoe atop the camera body. So in this regard you are seeing a approximate framing of your composition, not the actual composition you will see once the film has been processed.
Mamiya 7ii, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Empire Michigan
The system has yielded a dramatic reduction in the weight and size of my pack and the images I have captured, tell me that I made the right decision. I will continue to make images with my ebony 4x5 system, however I can say with confidence that the Mamiya 7ii will be my primary outfit moving forward. Especially as I travel to far off destinations. I am excited to work with this new system more in the coming months and years and will continue to learn and develop my abilities as I go. Below are three Images I made in November and December of 2016 on the first two rolls of velvia 50, 120 film, I ran through the Mamiya. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoied making them.
"November Sky" Otter Creek, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Honor Michigan
"Life In Slow Motion" Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Empire Michigan
"Hypnagogic" Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Honor Michigan